

i got to thinking today... which can be dangerous sometimes.

most of the greatest stories, greatest lives, greatest _____ (you fill it in) are wrapped up in pain, in sadness, in mistakes, in regrets. i am not sure if perfection means perfection. the BIBLE says we are to be perfect in many ways. one of those words actually means "complete" or "fully mature". i wonder if that is the perfect life one should strive for.

GOD doesn't wish for calamity on us, he doesn't force us to sin, he doesn't rejoice in divorce, addiction, buried anger, dishonest hearts... however, i wonder if he has a great amount of joy in taking a person from a ditch to 2nd in command of egypt? it would seem to me that GOD is wonderful in our obedience, and we are saved from so much pain. but, even when we are rebellious, or suffer from another's rebellion towards GOD -- i tend to see in scripture that GOD is a great FATHER and will rise to the occasion to make himself known and his name to be great through your life... in your life.

...in my life.

perhaps we would do better to remember the faithfulness, mighty hand and grace of our loving GOD and when we meet people in hurting circumstances -- we must first find the hope of 10 years down the road (what could happen, what GOD wishes to do for them) -- and then help them see that hope as well. it is a pitiful thing to ingore mistakes and "elephants" in the room at a funeral, it is a beautiful thing to recognize them and look past them... and see the hand of a mighty GOD who isn't afraid to get his hands dirty in the ashes of our mistakes and muddy in the dirt of our sins.

so, here is a "glory to GOD in the highest" from me today. i sure am glad that he is here. i sure am glad for hope. and i sure am glad for my wife to be here with me. if this is joy -- i'll take seconds!

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